for a full list of publications visit Dr. Girme’s Google Scholar Page


Eller, J., Girme, Y. U., Don, B. P., Rholes, W. S., Mickelson, K. D. & Simpson, J. A. (2022). Here One Time, Gone the Next: Fluctuations in Support Received and Provided Predict Changes in Relationship Satisfaction across the Transition to Parenthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. doi: 10.1037/pspi0000408

Girme, Y. U., Peters, B. P., Baker, L. R., Overall, N. C., Fletcher, G. J. O., Reis, H. T., Jamieson, J. P., & Sigal, M. (2020). Attachment Anxiety and the Curvilinear Effect of Expressive Suppression for Partner Outcomes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Girme, Y. U. (2020). Step Out of Line: Modelling Nonlinear Effects and Dynamics in Close-Relationships Research. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29, 351-357.

Girme, Y. U., Agnew, C.R., VanderDrift, L. E., Harvey, M. S.,  Rholes, S. W., & Simpson, J. A. (2018). The Ebbs and Flows of Attachment: Within-Person Variation in Attachment Undermine Relationship Wellbeing across Time. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114, 397-421.

Girme, Y. U., Overall, N. C., Simpson, J. A., Fletcher, G. O. (2015). “All or Nothing”: Attachment Avoidance and the Curvilinear Effects of Partner Support. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108, 450-475.


Girme, Y. U. Park, Y. & MacDonald, G. (in press). Coping or Thriving? Reviewing Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Societal Factors Associated with Well-Being in Singlehood From a Within-Group Perspective. Perspectives on Psychological Science.

Girme, Y. U., Sibley, C. G., Hadden, B. W., Schmitt, M. T., & J. M. Hunger (2022). Unsupported and Stigmatized? The Association between Relationship Status and Wellbeing Is Mediated by Social Support and Social Discrimination. Social Psychological and Personality Science. Advanced online publication.

Girme, Y. U., Overall, N. C, Faingataa, S., & Sibley, C. G. (2015). Happily Single: The Link between Relationship Status and Wellbeing Depends on Avoidance and Approach Social Goals. Social Personality and Psychological Science, 7, 122-130.

Attachment Insecurities

Girme, Y. U., Jones, R. E., Fleck, C., Simpson, J. A., & Overall, N. C. (2021). Infants’ Attachment Insecurity Predicts Emotion Regulation Strategies in Adulthood. Emotion, 21, 260-272.

Girme, Y. U., Overall, N. C., & Hammond, M. D. (2019). Facilitating Autonomy in Interdependent Relationships: Invisible Support Facilitates Highly Avoidant Individuals’ Autonomy. Journal of Family Psychology, 33, 154-165.

Girme, Y. U., Molloy, P. R., Overall, N. C. (2016). Repairing Distance and Facilitating Support: Reassurance Seeking by Highly Avoidant Individuals is Associated with Greater Partner Support. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42, 645-661.


Girme, Y. U., Maniaci, M. R., Reis, H. T., McNulty, J., Carmichael, C., Gable, S. L., Levi R. Baker, & Overall, N. C. (2018). Does Support Need To Be Seen? Daily Invisible Support Promotes Next Day Relationship Well-being. Journal of Family Psychology, 32 (882-893).

Girme, Y. U., Overall, N. C., & Simpson, J. A. (2013). When Visibility Matters: Short-term versus Long-term Costs and Benefits of Visible and Invisible Support. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1441-1454.

Don, B. P., Girme, Y. U.*, Hammond, M. D. (2018). Low Self-Esteem Predicts Indirect and Negative Relational Consequences in Intimate Relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Advanced online publication.
*shared first authorship